There are some news developments that everyone has to be devoted to.In the unusually quiet newsroom , there was just one voice that was echoing. It was US President Barack Obama speaking at the Indian Parliament ( Lok Sabha). A speech the entire world was watching and listening to.
So far the Indians have not gotten their fill of pleasure by any statement that Barack Obama has made during his trip to India. Reason? He hasn't embarrased Pakistan at any point. He again reieterated that perpetrators of Mumbai attacks should be brought to justice and that terrorism in AFghanistan should be dealt with appropriately on both sides of the Afghan border. He has also reminded India that it would benefit from a stable and prosperous Pakistan. And a little bit of scolding to the democracy like India for just silently watching the human rights abuses in Myanmar.
But then he said something in the Lok Sabha that became an instant headline in my next broadcast that was right after he finished his speech. US backs India acquiring a permanent seat in the United Nations Security Council.
I asked Professor Sajjad Naseer if this backing was a defining moment in US India relations and if Pakistan should feel crushed by it? He termed it a political statement and also said that it hints at reforms in the UNSC that would take a long time to come about.
Mr. Obama has put up a nice balancing act in India. Pakistan is an ally in the war against terrorism and India can prove its sincerity to US by creating jobs back in US and support US exports. This has been a clear message there. The US President has also shown a realisation that issues between Pakistan and India are real and should be resolved by sitting down and talking. That's really a welcome sign beacuse people of Pakistan and India want peace between them.
However Mrs. Obama playing hop scotch and the couple dancing at Diwali would definitely be remixed by some university students in India with some songs and put up on you tube . That would always serve as a reminder what a good time the US first couple had in India perhaps justifying the huge expense that the Indian government meted to host Mr. and Mrs. Barack Obama.