There is no use researching why were beauty pageants started……women have been for times immemorial differentiated from one another on the basis for their beauty but the modern day beauty pageants most of which began in the 1950s, has evolved into an obsession.
These pageants are bad news for everyone! The contestants are representatives of their countries and all countries want a good looking if not beautiful representation.
Miss York 2009-recieved life threats after winning
They clearly appear to have wider agendas besides making other women realise how ugly they are…remember how at one time there was a string of winners from India simply to support the booming cosmetics market there at that time. Then there have been racial issues involved too…..Helen Lawal who was crowned Miss York was born in Nigeria and received life threats simply for being black. The man who threatened her had a reason…he had said that the winner should have been indigenous to the country and she should not have been eligible for it because she was born in Nigeria.
Many say that physical features are not the only criteria for being the chosen one.

Ashwariya Rai on Oprah Winfrey last year
The grey matter also counts. But does it really??? Because Ms. Ashwariya Rai (former Miss World) when invited to the Oprah Winfrey show was criticized for not being able to answer a single question without a giggle despite being around 35 years old! Wasn’t she taught that by Miss World contest? No one liked her talk.
Miss Virginia has been crowned Miss USA 2010. Caressa Cameron who is studying broadcast journalism and wants to be a news anchor when she grows up won a $50,000 scholarship. The crowning of a Miss America began in 1921 as a publicity stunt to persuade tourists on Atlantic City's Boardwalk to stick around after Labor Day.
I am not saying this… is there all over that Miss USA 2010 does not look American…..but hey! she does have something in common with President Barack Obama!