Monday, January 25, 2010

Can you say?

Well to tell you honestly, its difficult to say what the future holds…..even my zodiac prediction for the year is nothing that would make me want to believe in it. And Tarot card readers aren’t saying anything about what is going to happen in Afghanistan too.

But US General Stanley Mc Chrystal is making a prediction! Yes….and he says that with the arrival of the 30,000 extra U.S. troops and another 7,000 to be contributed by NATO, Taliban are in for a very rough 2010. the situation according to his exact words is going to be very “demonstrably positive”

But what is interesting is the growing interest and hope of the U.S in talking to certain factions of Taliban…these are supposed to be the soft are faint hearted Taliban. But will these people be willing to talk to any one who is bringing more troops upon them? Mr. Zahid Husain, senior journalist tells me the same. He is curious which faction of Taliban is the US going to talk to? It can’t be Mullah Omar or the Haqqani network for sure.

Pakistan itself has launched the Operation against militants in Waziristan ….and that plus missile strikes by US is already reportedly pushing militants to the areas north eat of Quetta.

So, could it be that while some Taliban sit in the diplomatic negotiating table, others will be bombed on the Pakistani side??

I can’t confirm but may be the next three months will. Who knows?

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