Rain Rain Go Away
Come Again Another Day
When Little Johnny
Wants to play!
Quite sadistic undertones in this classic nursey rhyme.....Forget it....what really is a fact is that the country really needed these much awaited rains. But mind you! these are not any bonus showers that Mother Nature is letting go on us. The climatic zone that Pakistan is in, mid October till end February , should see heavy downpours. The entire winter went dry and now towards end February it has gotten a bit wet and slippery.
Not to mention the tantiliasing cool breeze that these rain drops have brought....our nearly dry rivers might be quenched a little too. Ravi looks nothing more than a Nullah. I am not trying to challenge the greatness of Kashmir and terrorism issue that invite such excitement every time Pak India think about talks....but I must say that what India is upto with our water has to feature somewhere near the top of the talks agenda. Worried experts also predict a war between the two countries on the water dispute. Indus Water Treaty should be implemented in its real sense and not mere formal visits that Indian Water Commissioner just made to Pakistan.
I do sympathise with the angry passengers stranded at Lahore airport but one wonders where did they gather all the strenght for being rowdy and going around smashing windows of the departure lounge. That is bad.I know PIA flight delays can be nerve wrecking but hey! you don't start breaking the few things that we have.I guess the rains got to their heads.
But slime on the roads could not keep the so far unidentified attackers on Sheikh Rashid Ahmed , indoors. They killed four and managed only to injure Sheikhoo....but many say it is the work of elements who want to derail democracy....Sheikh himself quite in his spirits alleging that the Punjab Government is fearful of him winning from NA 55. PML-Q and him singing the same tunes of political harmony now....but at the end of the day -it is politics and so,nothing has been able to stop the common man read voters ....from saying that it could be Awami Muslim League's own attempt at securing some few extra ballots. Not even the rain!
politics is crual.keep writing