Two cars screach pass by me today as I try to cross the road in a neighbourhood of this city where I live in at present. I clear my myself out of their way...what I see is a luxury car trying to side the smaller car, still from a luxury brand in our country but a common man's car abroad, on the side of the road.
The smaller car does finally pull up when the driver I believe spotted a security guard standing in front of a small shop.
The man in the bigger car gets out. He also has two kids in the back seat. Hw hurriedly walks upto the driver seat window of the smaller car saying: " I'm not going to eat you!"
The other party who has pulled down its window by now replies: "You are misbehaving with me!"
A very small gathering of onlookers try and position themselves for a better view of the ' scene'.
The party in the smaller car is a woman...and its none other than the renowned model Aminah Haq!
The man says: "Why are you running away after hitting my car? Atleast have the courtesy to stop!!"
Aminah Haq replies: You are married and are still misbehaving with another woman! ( what an interesting stance of her's!)
Then she feels a little brave for some reason and goes on to say something that really works in our country: " You don't know, who you are harassing! You are harassing Mustafa Khar's daughtr.I am Mustafa Khar's daughter".
The must also be someone's son so he goes on to say:"Let me call the police"!
Aminah Haq hits back:"No, I will call the police"!
That's when fancy mobile hand sets come out but apparently both of them do not have the police numbers...because during this the man gets back in his car and Aminah Haq pulls up her window and both zoom away!
Since they had pulled up in front of a slums market area located within a very posh locality of the city, the onlookers had nop symapthy with either party.
One of them did say in Punjabi though: " Shukr ay meray tay gaddi nai chaar diti madam nay".
I dont know what happened after that. Did Ms. Haq totally run away? Was she able to use her father's influence at the police station? But did she ever end up with the Police Wallahs in the first place? Did the man decide that the persuit was usefless because of Mr. Khar being the father of the offender? Did he have a bigger connection , perhaps someone who was still in the Government?
All these questions are relevant given the way rule of law prevails in the country. It also hints at the social thread weave of society...because a woman who has a name and recognitionof her own, and is picture of women empowernment on the nascent media in Pakistan-still needs to give the reference of her father to save herself.
I mean she could have said: "Youdon't know who you are misbehaving with! I am Aminah Haq".
But Alexandra Kerry wouldn't have gotten away after driving in a drunken state in LA, even on shouting out that she was Senator Kerry's daughter.
Tha's why I love Naomi Campbell...she simply spat at the security guard at Heathrow who insisted on going through her luggage. No questions. No Answers!